More things I live for:
1. The song "Yellow" by Coldplay, or maybe I've mentioned that. Pandora, I live for Pandora.
2. My slum lord sending me pictures of my new apartment. (To all of my UNO people, don't worry, it's not really the slums. Also, I miss you!)
3. Saying I have a slum lord.
4. All my yoga dudes saying I kicked their butts in class Monday.
5. Having amazing friends.
6. Going to NYC in tomorrow!!
7. One of my cycling dudes telling me he's worried about me riding the subway in New York. One of my favorite women at the gym responding with, "Erin, you just wear short sleeves the whole time. No one will mess with you."I like this because my gym family loves me, however, it also makes me feel slightly manly.
8. When someone gets Beetlejuiced and I don't have to be around when said person shows up.
9. Code names. Ie, Amber Alert
10. Knowing it's less than 2 weeks until football season.
11. The guy who told me my mom was beautiful and I look like her. Also, all of my high school friends who sang Erin's Mom (tune of "Stacy's Mom") to embarrass me. I'm embracing it now. Not that I want to be considered hot by high school boys, but I think that's a sign I'll be decent looking when I'm 50.
12. I'm sad to know that The Labyrinth will be playing at the Dundee Theater this weekend and I'll miss it, buuuut it does remind me that I really love that movie and all the oddities that come to mind when I think of it.
13. Long letters/emails. I miss the days of writing letters or notes to friends in class. I also miss talking on the phone before bed. Do people even do that anymore? If so, I need to find them and become phone buddies/pen pals.
14. When a good looking guy under 40 comes in to my gym. You'd think this would happen often. It doesn't.
15. Lemon bars.
16. That I added 2 classes to my schedule that are farther away from my house to teach all fall so I can avoid teaching one kickboxing class.
17. So, I find a lot of cutlery lying around outside and I've started collecting it. Don't worry, I don't use it to eat off of, I just, I don't know, collect it. I found a fork on my run on Sunday. Carried it for 7 miles. I live for finding random cutlery. I also live for the fact that I'm comfortable enough with myself and my oddities that I can admit that.
18. I'm from Norfolk, Nebraska, pronounced Nor-fork. When I told someone the story of why it's pronounced that way he said, "so you're a Norforker?" Why, yes. Yes, I am. I think Norforker is funny.
19. Finding out that my cousin's boyfriend has been called a centaur by fellow Nebraska D-lineman, Eric Martin.
"I am the vocal one on the d-line. Cam (Meredith) doesn't really say anything… Jason (Ankrah), he's just a centaur. You know, centaurs are pretty quiet. You just give them a sugar cube and they walk away."
- Senior Eric Martin describing the vocal leadership on the defensive line.
20. That Eric Martin knows what a centaur is.
21. That Eric Martin apparently also knows that centaurs are quiet and you just have to give them a sugar cube.
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