In my opinion our first task as members of humanity and citizens of the world is to send our love and thoughts to those most closely connect to the attacks. Those who have lost their lives, loved ones, and feelings of safety. This is not the first horrific event of its kind, nor will it be the last, and every event like this deserves our attention.
The second great tragedy of this event is what it will do to members of the Muslim community. There are 1.4 billion people who practice the religion of Islam. If we wanted to fuel the fire that some are creating in their belief that Islam=terrorism, then we are feeding into the extremists who are misrepresenting their religion and rallying their cause around their believe that the Western world is waging a war on Islam. Islam actually means peace. Just as Christians don't let the KKK or the Westboro Baptist church represent all of Christianity, we cannot let extremist stereotype 1.4 billion peaceful people. People cause violence, not faith.
America has prided herself on being a country of the free. We are the melting pot of the world. The Statue of Liberty says, "Give me your tired, your poor,/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore./Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" This is what America was founded on--being a place of freedom, safety, and acceptance. And now there are governors claiming they will refuse Syrian refugees from their states? Not only is it un-American to not help those who are fleeing the terrorists we so passionately stand against, it's inhumane to not help our fellow brothers and sisters, our fellow human beings. Two million of these refugees are children. Two million children who have lost parts of their family, their homes, their childhood innocence and we won't open our doors to give them safety from those extremists.
I know full well there are many, many millions of Christians with compassion in their hearts who do not have ill will toward our Muslim neighbors. I also know that the United States is slowing becoming a nation of non-religious and "Other" rather than so dominated by Christianity. Yet, there are some high profile, high power Christians who are taking a very un-Christian approach to the issue of helping these "huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Jeb Bush feels we should only allow Christian refugees into our country. The Governor of my state, Nebraska, has also said he would refuse Syrian refugees fleeing war. This same Governor has spent over $300,000 on keeping the death penalty in Nebraska even when lawmakers voted to abolish it. Apparently Governor Ricketts has a loose interpretation of the Commandment "Thou shall not kill." Christians in America will soon celebrate Christmas--a holiday where we learn of a Middle-Eastern family who traveled far from their home only to be turned away at every inn and made to sleep in a barn. Is that really how we are going to treat those seeking a roof over their heads? The most popularly quoted Bible verse tells us that God so loved the world that he sacrificed his only son to save all of humanity. All of humanity. Jesus didn't say I'll die for you and you, but the rest of y'all can suffer.
I have never been ashamed of where I am from until this last year when I have seen my state give marriage equality and then have the governor take it away, abolish the death penalty and then have the governor fight for it to stay. Now we have the opportunity to show love and compassion to our fellow humans and the governor wants to turn those who need our help away. I am embarrassed and ashamed. I am so saddened that the place where I was raised, the place that has shown me so much love and support would be so backward to not extend that love and support to all who need it.
For now, I can close with pride in my president, pride in my country. In response to those who have said they will deny refugees, Obama has said: "When I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims; when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which a person who’s fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution—that’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion." That. That right there is the kind of person I want to be. The kind of world I want to live in. I know that the number one thing in this world I am meant to be is kind to everyone and the world around me. If we close our doors on those who are "different" from us, life will be a long and lonely existence. Open your eyes. If we were all the same, we'd never learn, never grow, never become better. We need each other.