Once upon a time there was this great show on TV called Boy Meets World that aired on Friday nights. The reruns might still be played on the Disney channel. I have no idea. Anywhosies, this show taught me a million things about life and growing up, but the most important thing I learned from this show is about friendship. If you have time, watch this whole episode here. It'll make you laugh. It might make you cry. It'll touch your heart. If you don't have time for the whole episode, watch this crappily recorded clip here
"Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself." You'll fight with your friends. There are times when you'll have to make concessions in relationships. You'll have friends that move away and it'll feel like there's no time for phone calls or to meet up. Life is busy and the older you get and the more people who enter your life, the easier it'll be to let friendships slide. But try. Work at your relationships. Life is so much better with friends who've known you your whole life, friends who share your hobbies, and new friends who are fresh victims for your stories. If you've read my blog for a while, you know one of the things I most believe in is that it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, what matters most is who you're with.